How machine learning can aid software identification
2024-10-23 GMU students developed machine learning models to correlate software inventory data gathered from several cybersecurity tools with a pre-defined dictionary of known software products.
2024-10-23 GMU students developed machine learning models to correlate software inventory data gathered from several cybersecurity tools with a pre-defined dictionary of known software products.
2024-10-17 CGI redefined possible with automation with discrete use cases at the CGI Innovation Center event.
2024-10-15 CGI understands that effective AI implementation requires more than just advanced algorithms; it necessitates a robust data foundation
2024-09-19 The integration of advanced technologies for logistics management offers significant benefits in terms of resource control, visibility, and informed planning.
2024-09-19 Today’s state leaders seek opportunities to safely leverage new technology, combat cyberattacks and comply with new governing rules and regulations. This was evident at the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT) annual conference, where finance leaders met...
2024-07-23 Grant making is a vital process that supports organizations in achieving their missions and serving communities effectively. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in grant-making processes has ushered in a new era of empowerment for grantees. By leveraging AI algorithms...
2024-07-23 Office of Justice Programs awarded more than $1 billion to promote safety and strengthen trust, helping communities tackle the proliferation of gun violence in America and restore bonds of trust between community residents and the justice system. Working to support...
2024-06-24 The generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) hype machine has expanded across most industries, no less in banking and financial services. While generative AI can certainly assist with improving internal productivity and managing copious amounts of internal policies, procedures and client/employee...
2024-06-20 Preparing to implement AI requires a sober assessment of your existing capabilities and processes, an analysis of potential use cases and, often, some preliminary work on cleaning and securing access to data.