Host Pete Tseronis and CGI's Josh Sonnier unpack the nuances of AI and its use cases in the latest episode of the CGI Voices podcast.
Every new year brings new priorities to #FederalAgencies, technological advances to assess and incorporate and changing expectations among lawmakers, regulators and the public. As the holiday season fades and we get back to work with a refreshed energy, CGI Federal...
It's hard to believe 2023 is at an end. CGI Voices debuted in July and published nine episodes featuring CGI Federal experts providing insight and guidance on various topics, including the rise of AI, successful transformation, sustainability, securing firmware and...
CGI’s annual Voice of Our Clients is a comprehensive study of trends, technology priorities, and future projections based on hundreds of face-to-face interviews between CGI leaders and our broad customer base globally.
How should agencies bring AI, Web 3.0 and other emerging technologies into their digital transformation strategies? How do we ensure they are secure, and ready for agency adoption?