CACS X for collections

Resource center

John Jensen
John Jensen

The COVID Recovery’s Uncertain Path and the Way Forward for Banks

2020-09-28 Things are getting better for banks’ clients – well, at least for some of them. Unemployment in August dropped to 8.4 percent in the U.S., down from a pandemic-driven high of 14.7 percent in April. This is good news, and...

Andy Schmidt
Andy Schmidt

Adapting lending in a time of crisis to alleviate customer hardship and bank pressures

2020-06-21 The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial industry far exceeds anything we have seen in our lifetime. Record unemployment, voluminous requests for hardship support, and the likelihood that loan defaults will significantly increase. Along with higher net...

John Goodwin
John Goodwin

Can collections ever be easy for state and local government organizations?

2019-10-10 Sourcing funds for initiatives is often a challenge for government. While the desire for citizen services continually grows, the appetite for new taxes and other sources of revenue can draw strong opposition. How are governments addressing this funding challenge? One...

Philip Skinner
Philip Skinner

Having your debt collections cake and eating it, too

2019-01-14 Banks, telcos, utilities and other industries striving to maintain a competitive edge face an ongoing dilemma—how to scale their debt collections capabilities and improve success rates without the lengthy traditional technology deployments and operational investment models. Not an easy thing...

Steve Crowell
Steve Crowell

The true value of customer-centric default management

2017-04-07 Bill collecting is as old as business itself. Debtor prisons are gone, thankfully, but sometimes it seems like the basic dynamics of debt collection have not changed much since Victorian times. To the customer, repayment demands are often adversarial and...