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Jodi Gornick professional photo
Jodi Gornick

Driving innovation and efficiency with aligned tooling strategies

June 6, 2024 When embarking on a DevOps journey or merely aligning your SDLC (software development life cycle), evaluating how your tools fit into that journey becomes essential. There are many platforms to support DevOps in enabling best practices and visibility and a...

The ability to deliver innovative digital services rapidly and with reliable quality requires access to secure, agile, scalable and highly available IT. Together, CGI and NetApp work closely with clients to plan and deploy well-defined DevOps strategies. By tightly integrating...

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Technology Innovation Practice

Is your business ready to be agile? A closer look at business agility maturity

December 22, 2020 Agile practices have been around for close to three decades. They started in the IT industry, but are now a key skillset used in marketing, HR, R&D and even in the boardroom. A new term is being coined called business...

DevOps practices such as continuous integration, automated testing, continuous delivery and continuous deployment are increasingly helping federal agencies speed up software delivery. Agile development methodology is common in the federal government now, and DevOps is accelerating the pace even more...

Steven Lacroix
Steven Lacroix

Gaining enterprise agility: charting a course for transformation with agile at scale and LADx

January 6, 2020 Organizations are looking to get to a new place – applying digital technology to redefine their business models – yet many are still stuck using methodologies that date back to folding paper maps and car stereos with tape decks.

CGI’s holistic and balanced DevOps Reference Model provides a blueprint for high-performing IT organizations. It balances the five key dimensions of governance, culture, metrics, process and architecture, and tools.

CGI’s holistic and balanced DevOps Reference Model provides a blueprint for high-performing IT organizations. It balances the five key dimensions of governance, culture, metrics, process and architecture, and tools.