Technology innovation

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Kevin Greer, CGI Federal
Kevin Greer

4 ways CFOs can navigate the incoming wave of digital finance transformation

2024-06-19 Imagine a world in which digital technologies, like artificial intelligence, run most CFO functions. While this might seem futuristic, it’s here today. IT modernization is rapidly impacting an increasing number of CFO functions, generating a significant return on investment and...

Elizabeth Whitmer
Elizabeth Whitmer

The DOJ’s Web and Mobile Content Accessibility Rule for state and local governments

2024-05-22 April 8, 2024, was a historic day for two reasons; first, a total solar eclipse crossed over North America, providing a path of totality that made it accessible to millions of people within the United States. Later that same day...

TaJuana Antwine professional photo
TaJuana Antwine

Creating an agile culture

2023-06-26 When we think of agile transformation, we typically think of creating functional roles and teams. Still, we often overlook the critical role of change management in creating an agile culture as part of the transformation. Agile transformations are much less...

Doug Vargo Headshot
Douglas Vargo

Automation in life sciences can speed innovation while lowering costs

2023-05-24 Life sciences companies are no strangers to change, but the past several years have presented unprecedented challenges to the industry. As we’ve seen through the CGI Voice of our Clients interviews, the pandemic accelerated trends that were already underway, particularly...

Branden Bellanca professional photo
Branden Bellanca

Unleash the power of Salesforce Data Cloud with the right data strategy

2023-03-22 If you weren't already feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of customer data swirling around in the digital universe, here's an eye-opener: By global volume, customer data is currently doubling every 12 hours. At the same time, and somewhat paradoxically...

emerging technologies logo
Technology Innovation Practice

Only the business can lead a digital transformation

2023-03-22 I recently worked with a large organization to help one of their divisions adopt the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) more effectively. Having recently implemented SAFe, they quickly began seeing improvements across the division. They were very proud of how they...

Debra Sherrill professional photo
Debra Sherrill

What makes a good IT services partner?

2023-01-18 After your company has been in business for a while, your customers will begin asking for a product or service you don’t have the resources to provide. Alternatively, another company might reach out to you for the same reason. While...

Doris Martir professional photo
Doris Mártir

How can an agile coach ensure transformation success?

2022-11-02 CGI helps build more agile business practices into operations. Organizations should invest in talented leaders with knowledge in agile methodologies. Read more.

Suren Vardhineedi professional photo
Suren Vardhineedi

From magic to meaning: A closer look at artificial intelligence for enterprises

2022-05-18 There is perhaps no emerging technology that has generated as much attention in recent years as artificial intelligence (AI). Over the years, AI technology and underlying machine learning (ML) models are matured enough to be one of the mainstream technologies...