CACS X for collections

Resource center

Are you struggling with inefficient bankruptcy management processes? Operationalizing bankruptcy management is one of the most challenging tasks within the collections and recovery life cycle. Organizations risk losing up to 20% of their eligible funds’ recovery due to manual errors...

As the financial services world rapidly changes and customers demand services that are more accessible, faster and personalized, the need for financial institutions (FIs) to transform their legacy IT environments, move to new digital business models, and become more agile...

The ongoing evolution of technology, the global pandemic’s reality check on servicing scalability, and significant changes in customer behavior are leading companies to rethink and reinvent their default management systems, services and strategies for the future. Digital technology advances have...

In a global economy hooked on credit, credit management is more important than ever before. As banks and financial institutions work to transform their credit management operations, getting it right means rethinking the customer journey.