
Resource center

CGI building
Life at CGI

Thriving in your career without barriers

2024-06-24 Embracing inclusivity and empowerment at CGI I've been with CGI for almost 15 years and am currently a Director on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team. My role primarily focuses on fostering an inclusive culture and ensuring a sense...

CGI building
Life at CGI

Krystal McCray-Brown: Creating diverse and equitable workplaces

2024-02-27 For three years I have worked as a senior college recruiter at CGI with a specific focus on diversity, equity and inclusion within the college recruiting space. I’ve learned that when it comes to creating diverse and equitable workplaces in...

CGI building
Life at CGI

Vets and family members continue service at CGI

2023-05-10 It’s hard to work in support of the federal government and not interact with U.S. military veterans. The CGI team is no exception.

Susan Wartel Headshot
Susan Wartel

Celebrating International Women’s Day by embracing gender equity at work

2023-03-06 As I reflect on International Women’s Day and the focus on embracing equity in the workplace, it brings to mind my own personal experience and the support I received from my employer. When my oldest son arrived eight weeks early...

CGI building
Life at CGI

Hiring Our Heroes

2022-11-09 As part of its enduring commitment to veterans, CGI maintains a partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes Salesforce Fellowship Program. The program allows transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses to participate in a 12-week...

Will Labar Headshot
Will LaBar

Transforming Lafayette together: A public-private partnership in action

2019-03-21 Editor’s note: As part of our series spotlighting our onshore delivery centers, we reached out to a handful of the CGI members featured in our new videos. We asked them to share their experiences and expand on the story you...