Join Stella STEM as she learns about the many fascinating and inspiring women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math professions, and how they have helped shape history in STEM fields. Download the activity pack(s) today!


Stella STEM image


Download Stella STEM's 5-7 year old activity pack here

Download Stella STEM's 8-12 year old activity pack here


A black woman and child working at a desk

Celebrate Black History Month with STEM@CGI!

Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada and, more recently, has been observed in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Learn more here!


Download the Black History month overview here

Download the Black History month activity pack here

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with STEM@CGI!

National Hispanic Heritage month is a time when Americans honor the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South America. Learn more here!


Download the Hispanic Heritage month overview here

Download the Hispanic Heritage month activity pack here

Hispanic Heritage month carnival parade

Binary icon

Learn a "bit" about binary through creative activities.

Download the Binary pack

Thanks for downloading the Binary pack.

Did you know that the binary code all computers use is made up of a series 0s and 1s? Each 0 or 1 is called a bit, and 8 bits make up a byte. So when you're watching a 15-second TikTok video (72 megabytes), you're actually looking at over 600 million bits!

Download "Binary" here

Bonus material


Coding icon

Have fun and learn to code with a racing game.

Download the Coding pack

Thanks for downloading the Coding pack.

We appreciate the difficulties parents and students are facing as schools are closed and many parents are working from home due to COVID-19.

To help with this, we are going to be releasing weekly STEM-based activities that you can do at home with your children. Activities will encompass all aspects of STEM, including coding, environmental sustainability, robotics and opportunities to teach our children all about CGI!

Download "Coding" here

Bonus material

Computer Science Education week materials


Robots icon

Create a design for a robot and then pretend to be one.

Download the Robots pack

Thanks for downloading the robots pack.

Here's a random robot fact for you: Did you know that the word robot comes from a Czech word "robota" which means drudgery?

Download "Robots" here

Bonus material


Communicating icon

Use technology to connect with people you care about.

Download the Communicating pack

Thanks for downloading our Communicating pack.

Here's a random STEM fact about communication: there are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today.

Download "Communicating" here

Bonus material


Careers icon

Create a vision board to get started on your career path.

Download the Careers pack

Thanks for visiting. Glad you're eager to do our Careers pack.

Here's a fun fact: According to some experts, 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't been invented yet!

Download "Careers" here

Bonus material


Consulting icon

Complete consulting activities to sharpen business skills.

Download the Consulting pack

Thank you for downloading the Consulting pack.

Consultants provide expert advice professionally. A consultant is a leader, a problem solver, an expert and a change agent. A consultant is not a yes person, an order taker or a status quo enforce. Generally they are not the ultimate decision maker.

Download "Consulting" here

Bonus material


Building icon

Build your own city outdoors or get creative inside.

Download the Building pack

Thank you for downloading the Building pack. 

Did you know that the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It's 2,717 ft tall: twice the height of France's Eiffel Tower.

Download "Building" here

Bonus material


Data icon

Tell a story with data and use to it help make decisions.

Download the Data pack

Thank you for downloading the Data pack

Did you know that data, the collection of factual information, is actually plural? The singular form of data is datum (but most people and businesses today use data as a singular noun).

Download "Data" here

Bonus material


Smart Cities icon

Use data and technology to design your own smart city.

Download the Smart Cities pack

Thanks for downloading the Smart Cities pack. 

But what exactly is a Smart City? Basically, a “Smart City” is a city or community that uses technology to improve quality of life. Being a “Smart City” can also improve the way that the government works for the people who live inside of it In Smart Cities, data and technology can help answer questions like – “where is the best place to build a building for energy efficiency?” “what are the best places for the city bus to stop?” and “when should street lights turn on?”

Download "Smart Cities" here

Bonus material


Nature icon

Appreciate the beauty of the world on a scavenger hunt.

Download the Nature pack

Thanks for downloading the Nature pack.

Some of the most significant environmental issues that we face today include pollution, climate change and natural resources running low. We need YOU to help educate people on the steps they can take to help save the environment, design practical solutions and become experts in your local environments.

Download "Nature" here 

Bonus material

Recycling icon

Learn how to reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose and repair.

Download the Recycling pack

Thanks for downloading the Recycling pack.

Did you know that "repurpose" and "repair" were added to the "reduce, reuse and recycle". By repurposing and repairing items we prevent new raw materials from needed to be used, keep existing items in use, and keep them out of landfills.

Download "Recycling" here

Bonus material